How to Make Tassel Earrings | A really cool step by step guide to make these amazing

Statement earrings will never grow out of style. It’s one of those things that you can easily slip on to add that much needed oomph for your outfit. And because you can never have too many accessories, here’s a simple DIY guide on how to make a classy, yet eye-catching pair.

 tassel earring

How to Make Tassel Earrings:
STEP 1: Cut up your string or floss into several 6 to 7 inch strands.

STEP 2: Arrange them into a bunch and fold them together in the middle. Use a piece of string to secure the bunch in place using a tight knot.

STEP 3: Take one of the end caps and put the earring post through the hole in the middle. 
STEP 4: Use that binding tie to secure it onto the end loop of the post and tie the bunch of tassels through it until it is secure.

STEP 5: Carefully apply super glue onto the insides of the end cap and pull on the other end of the earring post until the entire bunch fits snug inside the cap.

STEP 6: Take your pliers and create a loop big enough to prevent the post from sliding through the hole. Use the ends to bind the ends.

STEP 7: Loop the earring wires or loops through the loop you just created on top of the cap. Secure together with your pliers if needed.

STEP 8: Take your scissors and trim the ends of both earrings to make sure that the tassels are all the same length

Simple, isn’t it?

You can use several contrasting colors in one bunch, or choose subtle gradient shades of the same hue for a cute ombre look, or a solid, bright shade or classic color to create a chic accessory that can pull any outfit together.
How to Make Tassel Earrings | A really cool step by step guide to make these amazing How to Make Tassel Earrings | A really cool step by step guide to make these amazing Reviewed by life on 6:55:00 PM Rating: 5

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